01.02.20 Beets

Really! I will get better at remembering the varieties I plant. Here are some wine colored beets...beats me what kind these are. I put at least 10 kinds of greens in my daily salad. Everyday, I walk the yard and see what I can find. For a while now that has included tender beet greens. But, my favorite way to prepare beets in a pureed soup. You can add lots more veggies and things but to keep it simple, this is what I did today:

  1. Four to five beets peeled and cubed (some of mine are extremely small)

  2. Half an onion diced

  3. Three garlic cloves minced

  4. Half a teaspoon fresh ginger minced

  5. Whatever fresh herb you have on hand

  6. Salt to taste

  7. Avocado oil

Sauté onion and ginger in avocado oil for 5 minutes, add in garlic for 30 seconds, add beets and one cup of water. Cover and cook until beets are fully cooked. Blend with salt and fresh herbs.

Christine Foerster