Looming Voyage was a self-directed traveling residency consisting of an evolving and mobile loom that moved through Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain and the U.S., changing shape with each location. It consisted of eight creation-meditations which involved weaving into the loom colorful textiles and messages about mending from those who passed by.
Looming Voyage was a traveling participant of To Do, a mending project at 1805 gallery in October 2018 in San Diego, California. Through Instagram posts and documentation, Looming Voyage joined the ongoing dialogue about mending and repair that the To Do project facilitated. To Do, a mending project was curated by Siobhán Arnold, Michelle Montjoy and Anna O’cain.
All photos from Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland and Spain were taken by my daughter Sol De Piérola. The photos from Italy and France were taken by José De Piérola. Special thanks to my youngest daughter, Sabrina De Piérola for her assistance during this traveling residency.