12.24.20 Lillemor's Aebelskivers
My grandmother who we called Lillemor made Danish aebelskivers on Christmas. Like so many of our mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers, she had generations of knowledge and wisdom up her sleeve that she used to sew anything from scratch, bake anything in the tiniest oven, paint the loveliest landscape paintings, and generally, not waste a single thing in the process.
For my turn at aebelskivers, I added orange zest (in keeping with the spirit of the blog). I took out her old aebelskiver pan that was Meemor’s pan (my great grandmother), and then watched my girls turn the little donut like pastries with a knitting needle, just the way Lillemor used to. The taste is like visiting her perfect kitchen from my childhood all over again .