02.04.20 José's Sourdough

True, sourdough starter is not growing in our yard, it is growing inside our house. My handsome guy makes bread about once a week. There is nothing better on Sunday morning than warm, homemade sourdough bread with avocado and coffee on the patio. We got this 200 year old starter from my friend Emily who claims it was almost lost when her great relatives were transporting it by mule and it fell over a ravine. Of such value, they scraped what they could of the starter off the rocks and carried on. 

I won’t go into great detail since there is plenty of information out there about how to make sourdough bread. But, here are the basics

  1. Make your levain using 1 TB starter + 100 g flour + 100 g water.

  2. Let it double (about 8 hours). He leaves it in the oven with the light on to ensure a stable, warm environment.

  3. To make the dough, he adds 200 g levaine + 400 g water + 600 g flour + 12 g salt.

  4. Let it autolyse for 30 to 60 min.

  5. Knead for 10 min.

  6. Fold and store in the fridge (10 - 14 hours).

  7. When ready to bake, fold and shape it.

  8. Let it rise for about 1 hour.

  9. Fold again and score (cuts on the dough).

  10. Bake for 40 min on top rack with a pan of boiling water on bottom rack to create steam.

  11. Oh yeah…

Christine Foerster